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Through Serge's glasses

Interviewing techniques
Editorial Design
Inspired by my friend’s fundamentally different view of the world I created this book telling his story. By telling his story I try to show that behind these differences there is a bigger story.

What happened to all the ethnic Russians outside of Russian territory after the fall of the USSR?

Aliens - Migration - USSR - Perestrojka

This illustrated book will invite you into Serge's world. You will see his apartment and meet his friends. He will share his best and worst moments with you. But his story is part of a bigger narrative, the history of the USSR falling apart. A story of loss, dispossession and displacement. This story is not just Serge's story, at the fall of the USSR the Soviet troops retreated from the Baltic countries. But the ethnic Russians who worked in the factories in the Baltic countries stayed, and they were often denied citizenship as the conditions for obtaining citizenship were strict, leaving numerous of ethnic Russians in Latvia on an alien status; undocumented. To give the reader a further understanding of his world I added poems by Andrei Voznesensky.

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Aliens - Migration - USSR - Perestrojka

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Aliens - Migration - USSR - Perestrojka


Born to an artist and a scientist I was destined to dip my feet in both worlds. I have a strong curiosity for thorough research and setting clear objectives and goals, while at the same time leaving space for serendipity and surprises that might change the path we're walking on.

Talking with people, and actually listening to them, asking questions, finding out what drives them is what intrigues me. My empathy and curiosity led me to different fields and jobs, and I thrive in situations where I keep on learning and developing my skill set. I love learning new things, not just in one field. This resulted in a messy CV, but the way I look at it is that I have a lot of transferable skills.  At this moment I am looking to join a team where there is room for collaboration, growth and empathy.

In my free time I am currently learning Python. I take analog photos and enjoy live music* and dancing.
*you can often find me at a Roda de Samba.

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